HARUTYUNYAN RUZANNA GEVORG (born in 1961, Yerevan) is an ophthalmologist, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor, since 2001 she has worked as the head of department of children at the ophthalmological center named after Malayan. She graduated the secondary school with a Gold Medal in 1979, from the faculty of General Medicine of YSMU in 1985, passed clinical residency in the department of "Eye diseases " in 1987. Since 1987 she has worked in Malayan medicine center as an assistant doctor, since 2001 as the head of department. In 2004 she received a PhD, defending a dissertation on "Comparative characteristics of the methods of the surgical treatment of congenital glaucoma”. In 2007 she has completed her traineeship at Irvine University, California, USA. At the same time, she has been working at the department of ”Eye diseases”, reaching from the position of senior laboratory assistant (2008) to the position of docent (2013)․ Since 2010 she is the head of ’The Overview Screening and Treatment Program of the Abnormal Retinopathy”. She has been awarded winner ,,Quality Mark,, (2019). Author of lots of scientific works.